Mount Hermon, on the northernmost tip of Israel, defines the border between Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Hermon is 2,814 metres above sea level.
The cable car ascent
Lotus sweetjuice
View from the Hermon
MADJAL SHAMS, Northern Golan, one of four Druze villages in the Golan area. Population numbering at about 8000 inhabitants.
Following the Syrian attack on Israel in 1967 and Israeli rebuttal, this village was included within the borders of Israel. Although entitled to full Israeli citizenship, the inhabitants of Majdal Shams have opted to retain Syrian citizenship, Since 1981, residents have also enjoyed a status of permanent residence in Israel and are defined in the Israeli records as "residents of the Golan Heights".
Following the Syrian attack on Israel in 1967 and Israeli rebuttal, this village was included within the borders of Israel. Although entitled to full Israeli citizenship, the inhabitants of Majdal Shams have opted to retain Syrian citizenship, Since 1981, residents have also enjoyed a status of permanent residence in Israel and are defined in the Israeli records as "residents of the Golan Heights".
Rimonah Traub - Copyright - 2011