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March 29, 2012

Machtesh Ramon מכתש רמון - 2012

Machtesh Ramon is the world's largest makhtesh, (crater) located in Israel's Negev desert at the peak of Mount Negev. The crater was not formed by a meteor, but developed slowly over millions of years, as the ocean which covered the area receded northwards. The remaining hump-shaped hill was flattened due to climatic forces.  With the formation of the Arava Rift Valley, rivers changed course and carved out  the softer inner rock of the crater.  The crater has an elongated heart shape and is 40 km long, between 2 to10 km wide and 500 meters deep, (1,037 meters above sea level). 

The deepest point of the crater is Ein Saharonim עין סהרונים,  the makhtesh's only natural water source. 

The machtesh and the surrounding area forms Israel's largest national park, the Ramon Nature Reserve.

The town of Mitzpe Ramon מצפה רמון, "Ramon Observation Point" is located on the northern edge of the crater. 

The Carpentry Shop - המנסרה
Found in the center of Makhtesh Ramon - Ha-Minsara (The Carpentry Shop), formed as a result of a magma  flow, that melted the existing sandstone. As the liquefied sand slowly consolidated, it formed into blocks of quartzite stone.

The INPA Ramon Visitors Center

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