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December 22, 2010

Tel Lachish - Novemeber 2010 - תל לכיש

Tel Lachish 

Evidence of the earliest habitation dates back to 4th BCE. Mention of Lachish as a fortified city, was first made in the Bible. (Josh10:3).  

Captured by Joshuah and included in the Judah tribal allotments. 

Fortified by Rehoboam against the Egyptian threat and later taken by Sennacherib, King of Assyria, 701 BCE. 

Lachish was restored and fortified during the First Temple period. Again destroyed by Nebuchadnezzer, King of Babylon   - 598 BCE. 

Although resettled after the Babylonian Exile, Lachish never regained its former glory. 
The Lachish letters (end of the First Temple period), were amongst the most important finds at Lachish - 21 ostraca inscribed with ink in paleo-Hebraic letters, these dealing with administrative and daily affairs.  

Working the fields of Moshav Lachish The moshav  was first established as a Nahal outpost in 1955.

Ever wondered what a pomegranate orchard looks like?

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your encouragement and faith in Israel!


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