PAGES - Extras

November 10, 2011

Jerusalem, East - Damascus Gate - שער שכם - November 2011

Damascus Gate - שער שכם

Damascus Gate - שער שכם

 Sultan Suleiman Steet

Sultan Suliman Street

October 17, 2011

Sukkot Tzomet Almog - Northern Dead Sea Area - 2011 - סוככות - מועדים בשמחה


Jerusalem - Machane Yehuda - Sukkot - 2011
שוק ארבעת המינים

September 5, 2011

תל אביב, בניינים - TEL AVIV Buildings - 2011 - שדרות רוטשילד - רחוב אלנבי - רחוב הירקון

Hayarkon Street - רחוב הירקון

Rothchild Boulevard
 שדרות רוטשילד

Allenby Street
רחוב אלנבי

Allenby Street
רחוב אלנבי

Nachalt Ben Yamin Street
נחלת בנימין

Allenby Street
רחוב אלנבי

Rothchild Boulevard
 שדרות רוטשילד
Link to: Israel Tourist: Eclectic Style Architecture - Israel

August 31, 2011

Jabotinsky Street - Ramat Gan
i-Phone camera

July 6, 2011

Hermon - Madjal Shams - June 2011

Mount Hermon, on the northernmost tip of Israel, defines the border between Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Hermon is 2,814 metres above sea level. 

Mount Hermon under cloud
The cable car ascent 

 Lotus sweetjuice
   פרגה חדת-אונות ,פרגה קירחת

View from the Hermon


MADJAL SHAMS, Northern Golan, one of four Druze villages in the Golan area. Population numbering at about 8000 inhabitants. 

Following the Syrian attack on Israel in 1967 and Israeli rebuttal, this village was included within the borders of Israel.   Although entitled to full Israeli citizenship, the inhabitants of Majdal Shams have opted to retain Syrian citizenship,  Since 1981, residents have also enjoyed a status of permanent residence in Israel and are defined in the Israeli records as "residents of the Golan Heights".

Rimonah Traub - Copyright - 2011

The Hermon in the distance

July 1, 2011

Dan Nature Reserve - June 2011

A grand old lady; The ancient Pistachio tree has been  watching over the valley for over 2000 years.

The old  flour mill, built during the Ottaman Period.

The Winnie the Pooh tree,  a Syrian Ash which is 120 years old, (Pooh had a good eye for real estate)

Hollihock at the Pistachio tree lookout

Created by Rimonah Traub - 2011

June 7, 2011

Jaffa - An Ancient History - יפו העתיקה - May 2011

Jaffa rich in history, myth and legend. Is reputably the world's oldest port - established by  Japhet, the son of  Noah.  

Archaeological excavations have uncovered evidence of occupation throughout time. There amongst the stones of Jaffa lies the history of the people of this land and of those who came to conquer it.

Ancient Jaffa was renovated about 30 years ago and is now a residential area, tourist center and artist colony.

The Harbour - under renovation.

Yemenite Culture Museum - Gallery and Workshop

4000 years old, do they refer to the sign too?